The Project
In 2020, my good friend committed suicide. He was adventurous, outgoing, and boisterous. After watching and being inspired by the 2016 film Pauls Boots. I decided to start this project.
The idea is to see the photo of Shawn traveling and continuing his adventurous lifestyle.
- Take photos or videos of Shawn’s photo in front of epic views, flowers, water, etc., or take a selfie with him! There is no limit; do as much or as little as you want.
- Post or email photos and/or video
Instagram – #ShawnsAdventures
Tag me! @chasing.the.alpenglow
Email: - Keep the photo for as long as you want, or pass the photo to someone else so that they can share their journey with him; let’s see him get to the Northern Terminus of the PCT and further!
- If needed, download one of these images to print out


Who is Shawn?
Shawn was a good friend who entered my life in 2002 and left the physical world in 2020. We were work buddies in our 20s, and we would have beers and play pool every chance we’d get after work. Shawn was the pool master, and I tagged along because I enjoyed hitting balls.

As time passed, we went our separate ways but maintained contact. In 2017, I heard he hiked and bushwhacked through Oregon’s closed and unfinished Salmonberry Trail.
As someone re-entering the backpacking world, I contacted him to go on a trip together. The photos that you see on this page are from that trip. Unfortunately, we could only go on one, but it’s a trip that will forever be in my heart.

On a stormy winter night, he called me up to talk about a trip we were planning for Summer 2020; he was pretty stoked and mentioned that he would love to hike the Pacific Crest Trail, thinking he could do it in three months. I was incredulous as the trail typically takes 4-5 months and sometimes six. But I listened to what he had to say, as boisterous and confident as ever.

Shawn suffered from mental illness and committed suicide in 2020. He will forever be in my heart and my future adventures.
Who am I?
I’m assuming you came directly to this link. Hi, I’m Casey. I’m hiking the PCT in 2024. I aim to get as far as possible in 100 days, which is similar to Shawn’s original goal.